The Booty Report

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Arrr! Al Pacino and The Guest be playin' priests in a spooky tale of exorcisms, based on a true yarn.


Arrr mateys! 'Tis true that Al Pacino and Dan Stevens be joinin' forces for a swashbucklin' adventure in a frightful tale of the supernatural. Prepare to be spooked and entertained as these scallywags take ye on a journey to the depths of fear!

Arrr mateys, listen up! The infamous Al Pacino and the daring Dan Stevens be joinin' forces for a swashbucklin' new adventure on the big screen. This time, they be settin' sail on a religious horror flick that's sure to send shivers down yer timbers.
Me hearties, imagine the legendary Al Pacino bringin' his devilish charm to the role of a priest caught up in a battle against evil forces. And with the dashing Dan Stevens by his side, playin' a righteous man fightin' to protect his soul, ye can bet there be no shortage of thrills and chills in store.
But mark me words, this be no ordinary horror film. With these two scallywags at the helm, ye can expect plenty of twists and turns that'll keep ye on the edge of yer seat. And with a sprinkle of humor to lighten the mood, ye'll be laughin' as much as ye be screamin'.
So batten down the hatches, me hearties, and get ready for a wild ride with Al Pacino and Dan Stevens in this devilishly delightful tale of terror and redemption. Arrr, it be a film ye won't want to miss!

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