The Booty Report

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Arrr, Ian McKellen be sayin’ he ain’t hangin’ up his boots! No scallywag be wearin’ me pointy hat while I’m 'round!


Arrr, matey! That ol' seadog Ian McKellen be as stubborn as a barnacle on a hull! He be sayin’ he won’t be layin' down his wizard hat, not for all the treasure in Davy Jones' locker! Aye, the Grey One be wantin’ to keep us spellbound, he does!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I regale ye with the tale of the legendary Ian McKellen, a fine thespian who be as keen to don the robes of Gandalf as a pirate be to hoist the Jolly Roger! Aye, this scallywag of the stage be proclaiming he’s not ready to hang up his wizard’s hat just yet. Nay, he be filled with the spirit of adventure, as if he be chasin' a chest full o' gold on the high seas!

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