The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Inquired if his fresh sci-fi game be "more Mass Effect or Severance," 19-year BioWare sea dog claims ye can "slice th' betwixt"!


Avast ye mateys! Afore ye be settin' sail, listen 'ere! The ol' swashbuckler Mac Walters, known fer 'is writin' at BioWare, be spillin' some beans 'bout 'is next venture at Worlds Untold! Gather 'round, me hearties, fer tales await!

Avast ye mateys! Gather 'round and listen up, for I've got news to share about the next adventure from the scallywags at Worlds Untold. 'Tis none other than the former BioWare writer Mac Walters who be spillin' the beans on this one.
In a jolly interview, Mac Walters shared some pearls of wisdom about his latest project. Arrr, the excitement be stirrin' like a stormy sea! Walters be known for his work on the renowned Mass Effect series, so ye can be sure this new venture be one to set yer sails for.
Whilst Walters be keepin' his cards close to his chest, he did offer a glimpse into the world he be buildin'. He spoke of mysterious islands, full o' untold treasures and ancient secrets. Aye, it sounds like the perfect playground for us swashbucklers!
Now, ye may be wonderin' what kind o' game this be. Well, me hearties, Walters be keepin' it under wraps for now. But fear not, for he did mention that it be an open world affair, where ye can be yer own captain and chart yer own course. Shiver me timbers!
But what truly sets this endeavor apart be the language spoken within. Walters be takin' a fancy to the tongue of 17th century pirates, ye see. So ye best be practicin' yer "yo ho ho's" and "avast ye's" if ye want to truly immerse yerself in this rollickin' adventure. Arrr, it be a humorous twist that be sure to give ye a chuckle or two!
So there ye have it, me hearties. Mac Walters and his crew at Worlds Untold be cookin' up a game that'll have us sailin' the high seas, seekin' treasures and speakin' like true pirates. Keep yer weather eye open for more news on this grand escapade, and in the meantime, brush up on yer pirate lingo. Yo ho ho!

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