The Booty Report

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Arrr, Google's AI be spillin' the beans on Pokemon's LGBT secrets - Bulbasaur be a "plant-loving queer," Mewtwo a "cultured gay," and more! Aye!


Arrr, be that a cannon, matey? 'Tis a mighty fine piece o' artillery! I reckon we be ready to blast them scurvy dogs out o' the water! Avast, me hearties, prepare to fire!

Ahoy mateys! Avast ye! Be ye wonderin' if that be a canon ye be seein' on the horizon? Arrr, 'tis a question as old as the seven seas. But fear not, me hearties, for I be tellin' ye this: 'tis indeed a canon ye be spyin'!
But be not afraid, me dear crew, for 'tis not a threat to us. 'Tis merely a piece of history, a relic from days of yore. A reminder of the battles fought and the treasures won. So let us raise a toast to the cannon, and all the stories it holds.
And if ye be thinkin' of takin' it for yer own, think again! 'Tis not an easy task to haul such a beast aboard a ship. And even if ye do manage it, beware the wrath of the seas. 'Tis a dangerous game, messin' with a cannon.
So let us sail on, me hearties, and leave the cannon to its rest. For there be plenty more treasures to be found, and plenty more adventures to be had. And remember, in the words of Blackbeard himself: "Dead men tell no tales."

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