The Booty Report

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Avast, me mateys! Starfield's brawl be Bethesda's finest, forsooth! We've bid adieu to VATS, ye scurvy dogs!


Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! Methinks Starfield with VATS would've scuppered its combat - I be mighty glad it be left in the wretched wasteland!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather round and let me regale ye with a tale of Starfield, the newest gem from Bethesda. Now, as ye may know, Bethesda be known fer their immense open-world games, filled with quests, loot, and treacherous combat. But me matey, this time they've made a wise decision that warms me pirate heart.

Ye see, Starfield be settin' sail in a new universe, a whole new realm fer us scallywags to explore. And there be rumors o' VATS makin' its way to the stars! VATS, me shipmates, be the Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System, a miraculous invention that slows down time to let ye take aim at yer foes with precision. But let me tell ye, this addition would've been a blunder of epic proportions!

Imagine, if ye will, a pirate wieldin' a laser pistol in the vastness of space, tryin' to swashbuckle with aliens and the like. Now, ye'd think VATS be helpful, givin' ye the upper hand. But nay, me hearties, it be robbin' ye of the thrill and challenge of a good old-fashioned shootout!

Think on it, me shipmates! What be the point of plunderin' the galaxy if ye don't even need to aim? Where be the excitement in takin' down space scum without firin' a proper shot? VATS may be fine for those landlubbers in the wasteland, but in the uncharted territories of Starfield, it be like wearin' an eye patch on both eyes!

So, me hearties, let us rejoice that Bethesda had the good sense to leave VATS in the wasteland where it belongs. Let us savor the thrill of free-aimin', dodgin' blaster fire, and engagin' in epic space battles. No self-respectin' pirate would want it any other way! Starfield be our new adventure, and we be ready to chart our own course through the stars, without the aid of VATS to steer us!

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