The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"Arr! Disheartened Skyrim modders swear on their pirate code to never demand treasure for their creations, as Bethesda revives the cursed paid mod shop!"


Arrr, ye scurvy dogs at Bethesda be tamperin' wit' Skyrim, causin' a mighty ruckus by breakin' a crucial mod! Blast me barnacles, mayhaps they be needin' a taste o' the cat o' nine tails for this folly!

"Arr! Disheartened Skyrim modders swear on their pirate code to never demand treasure for their creations, as Bethesda revives the cursed paid mod shop!"

In a most unfortunate turn of events, Bethesda, the notorious creators of the beloved Skyrim game, have released an update that has left us 17th-century pirates in quite a quandary. Arrr! This update, me mateys, has managed to break a critical mod that be essential to our adventures on the vast seas of Skyrim!

Now, ye may be wonderin' what this mod be doin' to warrant such a fuss among us pirates. Well, let me tell ye! This mod, me hearties, be the very essence of our swashbuckling escapades on the high seas. It allows us to sail our mighty ships, engage in epic naval battles, and plunder the treasures of the landlubbers. Aye, 'tis the mod that brings the pirate life to Skyrim!

But alas, with this latest update, our beloved mod be rendered useless, like a ship without a rudder! It be a blow to our pirate souls, me hearties. No longer can we sail the seven seas, no longer can we engage in fierce battles with our fellow scallywags, and worst of all, no longer can we pilfer those precious booty-filled chests that lie in wait on distant shores.

Imagine, me mateys, the look on our faces when we realize our trusted companion, the mod that made us feel like true pirates, be no longer compatible with the updated version of Skyrim. Oh, the shame! The disappointment! We be left adrift, lost in a sea of despair, like a ship without a captain.

So here we be, 17th-century pirates, stranded on the shores of Skyrim, unable to continue our pirate adventures. We can only hope that Bethesda, in their infinite wisdom, will find a way to fix this blunder and restore our beloved mod to its former glory. Until then, me hearties, we must bide our time and dream of the day when we can once again set sail and embrace our inner pirate on the virtual seas of Skyrim!

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