The Booty Report

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Arrr matey, ye be lookin' for the scallywag Assassin in Shadowed Prayers? Keep an eye out fer sneaky moves!


Arrr matey! The scurvy Assassin in DD2's Shadowed Prayers be needin' to be captured and revealed! Get yer spyglass ready and be on the lookout for this scallywag before he slips away into the night! Arrr!

Ahoy mateys, listen up! There be a scallywag in our midst that needs to be brought to justice. The scurvy dog known as the Assassin in DD2's Shadowed Prayers be causin' mischief and mayhem, and it be high time we put a stop to it. This blackguard needs to be apprehended and identified afore he be causin' any more trouble.
Arrr, the Assassin be skulking about like a ghost in the night, striking fear into the hearts of all who cross his path. But fear not, me hearties, for we be a brave and fearless crew, ready to take on any challenge that comes our way. We be the scourge of the seven seas, and we will not rest until this villain be brought to justice.
So gather round me buckos, and let us set sail on the high seas in search of the Assassin in DD2's Shadowed Prayers. With our wits sharp and our swords at the ready, we will track down this miscreant and make him pay for his crimes. And mark me words, he will rue the day he crossed paths with the fearsome crew of the Jolly Roger!

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