The Booty Report

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Avast ye, scallywags! Troy Baker be denyin' bein' the voice of the GTA 6 hero. Give that lad his due, arrr!


Arrr, he doth be takin' the theory as a fine compliment, like a shiny treasure chest full o' gold and jewels! 'Tis a jolly good notion, me hearties, to be praised in such a manner! Aye, me thinks he be pleased as a parrot with a cracker! Arrr!

Arrr matey, listen here ye scallywags! This tale be about a landlubber who be thinkin' he be smarter than he actually be. He be talkin' about some fancy theory, claimin' he be knowin' more than the rest of us. But the joke be on him, for he be takin' this theory as a compliment!

Arrr, can ye believe the gall of this scurvy dog? He be thinkin' he be foolin' us all by pretendin' he be flattered by this theory. But we be seein' through his charade like a spyglass through the mist. He be thinkin' he be clever, but he be as clueless as a ship lost at sea.

So let this be a lesson to all ye scallywags out there – don't be gettin' too full of yerselves. Just because ye be talkin' fancy and spoutin' off theories don't mean ye be any smarter than the rest of us. And if ye be takin' a theory as a compliment, ye be walkin' the plank straight into foolishness!

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