The Booty Report

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Arrr, me heart be shattered! Avengers Inc. be walkin' the plank, endin' at #5. 'Tis a sad tale, indeed!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! Avengers Inc. be like a jolly good ship amidst Marvel's treasures. But alas, it be sinkin' into Davy Jones' locker too soon. Arrr, 'tis a sad tale indeed!

Arrr, mateys! Gather 'round, for I have a tale to share that be filled with laughter and laments. 'Tis a tale of the Avengers, as told in the tongue of a 17th-century pirate. Yarrr, Avengers Inc., a peculiar and peculiarly delightful venture in the vast realm of Marvel, be meetin' its untimely demise!

Avengers Inc. be like no other ship sailin' in these waters. With its quirky crew of heroes and misfits, 'twas a bright beacon of humor and adventure. They be makin' us laugh, they be makin' us cheer, and now they be walkin' the plank, forced to abandon ship far too soon.

Oh, the tales they told! Iron Man, with his metal suit and witty banter, be a sight to behold. Then there be She-Hulk, strong as a tempest, yet with a heart as tender as a mermaid's kiss. And let us not forget Deadparr, the jestin' pirate with a tongue as sharp as his cutlass.

Together, they formed a crew that sailed the seven seas of Marvel's line, bringin' mirth and mayhem wherever they landed. But alas, their voyage be comin' to an abrupt end. 'Tis a dark day fer us all, me hearties.

Avengers Inc. be a breath of salty air in the midst of a serious and broodin' world. They be remindin' us that even in the face of danger, 'tis important to keep a sense of humor. 'Tis a rare treasure, indeed.

So let us raise a tankard of grog to the memory of Avengers Inc., and may their legacy live on in the tales we tell. May their misadventures and jests be passed down from generation to generation, keepin' alive the spirit of laughter in the world of superheroes.

Farewell, Avengers Inc.! May ye find fair winds and follies in the great unknown. We shall miss ye, ye scurvy dogs!

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