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Ahoy mateys! The treasured tale of Horimiya be back with a brand new yarn from its creator. Get ready to set sail on a new adventure! Arrrrr!


Avast ye landlubbers! Horimiya be back with a tale spun by the original creator Hero! The volume be a treasure trove lookin' back on the series finale. Set sail and dive in, me hearties! Arrr!

Avast ye me hearties, gather 'round for a tale of Horimiya, the beloved manga series that be returnin' with a new yarn spun by the original creator Hero. This volume be takin' us back to the series finale, givin' us a chance to reminisce on the adventures of our favorite characters.
From the depths of high school drama to the heights of friendship and romance, Horimiya be a tale that has captured the hearts of many a landlubber. With its humor and heart, it be a treasure worth revisiting as we sail on the seas of nostalgia.
So batten down the hatches, me mateys, and prepare to set sail once more with the crew of Horimiya. Let's raise a toast to Hero for givin' us this gift of a new story to enjoy. May it bring us laughter, tears, and memories aplenty as we journey through the pages of this beloved tale.

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