The Booty Report

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Avast ye! inZOI be sportin' a wizardly "3D print" trick, turnin' yer selfies into treasure fer yer game! Arrr!


Arrr, matey! This bounty be so fine, I reckon it’s fit for a king! I’d swear on me parrot’s beak, it’s a trick o' the devil! A treasure so grand, I’m half expectin’ Davy Jones himself to come claim it! Ha! Give us a toast, ye scallywags!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round and lend me yer ear, fer I’ve got a tale so fine, ye won't believe it be true! 'Tis a grand day on the high seas, an’ the sun be shinin’ brighter than a treasure chest filled with doubloons! But lo! What’s this? A sight so wondrous, it nearly made me peg leg dance a jig! A ship, glimmerin’ like a mermaid's treasure, sails into view, laden with riches and rum aplenty!

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