The Booty Report

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Thar be a scallywag by the name o' EA, tryin' to keelhaul our indie craftin' treasure from Steam! Aye, but we be survivin' against all odds! Arrr!


Arrr mateys, the tale of Interview | Potions be a curious one indeed! Despite startin' off on rocky waters, this ship has sailed out of the doldrums and into smoother seas. Raise yer mugs of grog and toast to this resilient crew!

Arr mateys, listen up! The tale of Potions be a curious one indeed. Despite some rough waters during her initial launch, this ship has managed to sail out of the treacherous red sea. Aye, there were unforeseen struggles and challenges along the way, but the crew persevered and held fast to their course.
Ye see, the potion makers behind this curious tale never lost sight of their goal - to bring joy and merriment to all who dare to venture into their mystical world. With a blend of wit, charm, and a sprinkle of magic, they were able to turn the tides in their favor.
And now, Potions be thriving like never before! The townsfolk be flocking to their doorsteps, eager to get their hands on the latest concoctions. From love potions to invisibility elixirs, there be something for everyone in this wondrous shop.
So raise yer tankards high me hearties, and let us toast to the success of Potions: A Curious Tale! May her sails always be full, her crew always merry, and her potions always potent. Arrr!

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