The Booty Report

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Arrr! A band o' scallywags from the DC seas be makin' a jolly 60-year return, savvy?


Ahoy mateys! It be said that Amanda Waller be makin’ merry with a fresh crew o’ scallywags! Arrr, what mischief they be conjurin’? I wager they’ll be causin’ more ruckus than a ship’s parrot on a barrel o’ rum! Avast, let the jolly adventure begin!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round and lend me yer ears, fer the winds be blowin' strange tidin's from the treacherous seas of Gotham! Our fierce wench, Amanda Waller, known as the Iron Lady of the underworld, hath summoned a motley crew o' scallywags to join her on a quest most perilous. Aye, these be not yer run-of-the-mill landlubbers!

The crew be a jolly band o' misfits and rogues, each with their own peculiar talents and questionable morals. The likes of a brooding pirate with a penchant for shadows, a wild lass who swings her sword like a stormy squall, and a raucous brute who speaks to fish might just be a few o' the colorful characters in her fleet. Argh, what a ruckus they be causin’!

Waller, with her steely gaze and a heart as cold as the briny deep, be makin’ alliances that even Poseidon would raise an eyebrow at! They say she can charm the fins off a fish, but beware, me hearties, for betrayals lurk in the depths like a hungry kraken. So, let us hoist the sails and follow her commands, fer adventure awaits, and mayhap a treasure chest or two! Arrr, let the misadventure commence!

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