The Booty Report

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"Arrr, Venom War #1 be settin’ the most unlikely scallywag, Spider-Man, back in the slimy symbiote’s embrace!"


Avast ye mateys! Peter Parker be donnin' his dark threads once more for the grand swashbucklin' saga known as Venom War #1! Prepare ye eyes for a tale of mischief and mayhem, where our web-slingin' hero trades his spandex for shadows! Arrr, let the ruckus begin!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round, ye scallywags, for I bring ye tidings of a grand adventure on the high seas of comics! Our matey, Peter Parker, also known as that web-slingin’ scoundrel Spider-Man, be donning a new garb—black as the deepest abyss! Aye, it be the tale of "Venom War #1," where chaos be but a heartbeat away!

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