The Booty Report

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Arr matey! Me heart be smitten by this indie game o' 2018, and now it be gettin' a "spiritual sequel" that be lookin' as Ghibli-esque as the first!


Arr, ye scallywags! The swashbucklin' devs of Forgotton Anne be havin' a jolly good time, as they be plunderin' their way through the treacherous seas of Kickstarter, takin' naught but gold doubloons for their fine "Metroidvania-esque semi-open world adventure." Ahoy, aye be smashin' their goal indeed!

Arr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to this swashbucklin' tale of the video game seas. 'Tis the story of the developers o' the game known as Forgotton Anne, who sailed the treacherous waters of Kickstarter and emerged victorious, with their goal shattered like a ship's mast in a hurricane.
These brave souls sought to create an adventure like no other, a game that blended the best of Metroidvania and a semi-open world. Aye, ye heard that right! It be a curious mix indeed, like mixin' rum and grog, or pirates and mermaids.
They took to Kickstarter, that mystical land where dreams be made and fortunes be earned. With their swords sharpened and their cannons primed, they set sail on their crowdfunding journey. Arr, and what a journey it was!
Their campaign, like a mighty storm, captured the attention of landlubbers from all corners of the globe. They be pledgin' their hard-earned doubloons in exchange for the promise of an epic adventure. The developers' goal was but a mere treasure chest of $135,000, but the scurvy dogs exceeded it in no time.
As the doubloons poured in, the developers danced a merry jig upon the deck of their ship. They sang shanties of victory and drank to their success, for it be a sight to behold. With their pockets jinglin' with gold, they set sail towards the horizon, ready to bring Forgotton Anne to life.
So, me hearties, mark me words. The developers of Forgotton Anne be a talented bunch, achievin' what many thought impossible. They be bringin' us a game that'll make us feel like true pirates, explorin' a vast and magical world. Let us raise our mugs of rum and toast to their success, for they be the heroes of the Kickstarter seas!

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