The Booty Report

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Pay no heed to the scurvy dogs yammering about the yellow hue! Signs be crucial for our plundering escapades! Arrr!


Arrr mateys, if ye be not in want of it, then good on ye! Ye be savin' yer loot for more important plunder, aye. May the winds of fortune blow in yer favor, me hearties!

Arrr me hearties! Listen up ye scurvy dogs, 'tis time to talk about opinions. If ye be fortunate enough to not be in need of something, then good on ye! No need to brag or boast about it, just be grateful for what ye have. No need to be rubbin' it in the faces of those less fortunate, for that be the mark of a true scallywag.
It be like findin' a treasure chest full of gold doubloons and not sharin' with yer crewmates. What good be havin' all that booty if ye can't spread the wealth and make others happy too? So if ye be lucky enough to have all ye need and more, keep it to yerself and be humble about it, lest ye be walkin' the plank.
Remember, opinions be like booty - everyone's got 'em, but not everyone needs to flaunt 'em. So be a good mate and keep yer opinions to yerself if they ain't bringin' nothin' useful to the conversation. And if ye don't need it, good for ye! Just remember to be kind to them less fortunate souls who may be strugglin' to find their own treasure.

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