The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! Russell Crowe be a pretend holy man haunted by wicked spirits in the eerie first scroll for the new frightful film, The Exorcism!


Avast ye scallywags! Set yer sights on the silver screen spectacle, 'tis set to premiere in chosen American theaters on the seventh day of June. Mark yer calendars and gather yer crew, 'twill be a swashbuckling adventure like no other! Aye, 'tis true, me hearties!

Arr mateys, mark ye calendars for June 7th, for that be the day when the new film be released in select theaters across the vast lands of the United States. Ye be settin' sail on a grand adventure filled with swashbucklin' action and hearty laughs.
But beware, me hearties, for the treacherous waters of the box office can be as unforgivin' as Davy Jones himself. Ye must gather yer crew and make haste to the nearest cinema to catch this cinematic masterpiece before it slips through yer grasp like sand through the fingers of a scallywag.
So hoist the Jolly Roger, sharpen yer cutlasses, and prepare to be entertained like never before. This be a film that will shiver yer timbers and tickle yer funny bone, a rollickin' good time for all who dare to embark on this journey.
So batten down the hatches, me hearties, for June 7th be the date when ye can experience the thrill of the silver screen like never before. Arrr, don't miss out on this cinematic treasure, for it be sure to be a box office hit!

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