The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! Venom 3 be the last hurrah, but Tom Hardy ain't done sparrin' with that pesky Spider-Man yet!


Arrr, me hearties! I be itchin’ fer a scrap with that web-slingin’ scallywag, Spider-Man! Aye, I be ready to duel him on the high seas or in the alleys, savvy? Let’s see if he can dodge a cannonball or two! Har har har!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn o' a scallywag who be itchin' fer a tussle with the web-slinger himself, Spider-Man! Aye, this salty sea dog be shouting from the crow's nest, “I want to fight Spider-Man right now! I be well up for it!” Aye, the bravado be spillin’ from his lips like rum from a cracked barrel!

Imagine, if ye will, our jolly matey decked out in tattered garb, puffin' out his chest like a peacock, ready to take on the famous hero who swings through the skies! "Bring me the man in the tight red and blue trousers!" he be bellowin’, his eyes glintin' like the treasure of a sunken ship. But let’s be honest, our pirate friend might find himself caught in a web of trouble, eh?

Now, I reckon our buccaneer has some tales to tell, but takin' on the Spider be like tryin' to catch a fish in a barrel full o' cannonballs! With a swish and a flick, Spider-Man would have him tangled up like a fishnet full o' barnacles! So heed my words, mateys: when ye be itchin’ for a scrap, choose yer battles wisely, lest ye find yerself swimmin' with the sharks instead!

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