The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! This pesky Starfield mod, cursed with misfortune, aimed to scuttle all pronouns but instead made us all swashbuckling non-binary souls. Arrr!


Yarrr, these scurvy dogs be so brimmin' with bile that they be not graspin' the simplest form o' English. Aye, 'tis a sad sight, me mateys!

Arrr, me matey! Listen ye up, for I'll be tellin' ye a tale 'bout these scurvy dogs known as bigots and their lack o' understandin' basic English. Now, picture this: a bunch o' landlubbers so filled with hate that it clouds their tiny minds and stops 'em from grasp'n what be clear as the Caribbean waters.
These bilge rats, these scallywags, they be so full o' venom and spite that they can't even comprehend a simple sentence! Aye, they be like lost souls wanderin' in the dark, without a compass or a map to guide 'em. 'Tis a pitiful sight, I tell ye!
Now, I be no scholar, but even I can see that basic English be as straightforward as pilferin' treasure from a weak-willed merchant. But these poor souls be twistin' and turnin' the meanin' of words like a ship caught in a tempest. It be like tryin' to teach a parrot to speak like a gentleman.
Imagine ye tryin' to explain somethin' as simple as "The sun be shinin' brightly today" to these thick-headed buffoons. They'll be scratchin' their noggins, wonderin' if ye be speakin' in some foreign tongue. Aye, 'tis a sight to behold!
And ye know what be even funnier, me hearties? These landlubbers claim to be defendin' their precious language, yet they can't even understand it! They be like pirates tryin' to sail a ship with a hole in its hull, sinkin' deeper into their own ignorance.
So, me buckos, next time ye come across one o' these bigots, don't waste yer breath tryin' to explain. They be beyond help, like a ship doomed to be lost at sea. Just let 'em ramble on with their hate-filled words, while ye sail away, laughin' at their pitiful attempts to understand basic English. Arrr!

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