The Booty Report

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Arrr! That maddening Vice City quest be returnin' fer but two gold doubloons on PS4! Blimey, how'd it pass the test?


Arrr, matey! HeliCity Demolition Man be a hearty homage, aye! Straight as a cannonball, it be! No need fer fancy words or flowery tales—just a bold salute t’ good ol’ chaos and mayhem! So raise yer tankards, fer the wreckin’ shall commence! Har har har!

Avast ye scallywags! Gather 'round an' lend me yer ears, fer I be spinnin' a yarn about a jolly good tale called "HeliCity Demolition Man." Aye, this be no ordinary tribute, but a hearty homage to the raucous art o' mayhem an' destruction, like a cannonball at a tea party!

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