The Booty Report

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Arr, ye scurvy dogs may soon have official Lego minifigures to join ye D&D adventures on the high seas!


Arrr mateys, word be goin' 'round that packs o' Lego D&D minifigures be sailin' our way soon. Aye, prepare yer doubloons and set sail for adventure on the high seas of tabletop gaming! Yarrr!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scurvy dogs! Word on the seven seas be that them landlubbers at Lego be plannin' to release some new D&D minifigure packs, arrr!

Now, don't be gettin' yer hopes up too high, as these be just rumors for now. But if they be true, we be in for a treat like a chest full o' gold! Imagine havin' yer very own minifigure crew to take on adventures in the world o' Dungeons and Dragons, arrr!

I can already picture me shipmates decked out in their tiny swords and tricorn hats, ready to battle dragons and loot treasure chests. And who knows, maybe we'll even find a parrot or two to join our crew!

So keep a weather eye on the horizon, me hearties, and be on the lookout for them Lego D&D minifigure packs. And if ye see 'em, grab 'em quick before they be sellin' out faster than a mermaid swimmin' away from a shark! Arrr!

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