The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, Game Master Joel be strugglin' to fix the 'inconsistent' results o' liberation. Lack o' communication be the real scallywag!


Arrr, plunderin' planets be makin' the neighborin' ones shiver in their timbers, but alas, the system be lackin' the proper sorcery to make it happen automatically. Aye, we be waitin' for the day when we can truly rule the galaxy with our piratical ways!

Arrr mateys, it be said that liberatin' planets should be causin' a ripple effect on the nearby ones. But alas, the system be tellin' us it don't have the functionality yet! Aye, tis a shame indeed, for we be thinkin' that takin' back control of one planet should be sendin' a message to its brethren nearby, showin' 'em who be in charge now.
But fear not me hearties, for even though the system may be lackin' in this area, we pirates be always ready to take matters into our own hands. We be usin' our wits and charm to show those nearby planets who be the true rulers of the galaxy! So hoist the sails and set course for adventure, for no system glitch be standin' in the way of a pirate's quest for dominion!
So let us raise a toast to the freedom of planets, and to the day when the system finally catches up to our swashbucklin' ways. Until then, we'll be sailin' the stars in search of new worlds to liberate, bringin' laughter and mayhem wherever we go. For we be pirates, me hearties, and no glitch in the system can hold us back!

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