The Booty Report

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Arrr, Hideo Kojima be spillin' his thoughts on Deadpool and Wolverine, weepin' fer Jackman's rippled muscles—still a hero, he be!


Arrr, matey! Hideo Kojima be a jolly scallywag, he be! He fancied the merry antics of Deadpool and the fierce claws of Wolverine, aye! Aye, he be dreamin’ of swashbucklin’ tales with them rascals, plunderin’ treasure and ticklin’ fancy! Avast, what a raucous crew they’d make!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round an' lend yer ears to this jolly tale of a lad named Hideo Kojima, a scallywag o' a game maker who be swimmin' in the briny deep of creativity. This crafty buccaneer, famous fer stirrin' up them video games, had a heart that beat like a pirate's drum fer two rascally characters of the comic seas: Deadpool and Wolverine!

Ye see, Deadpool, the cheeky rogue with a mouth as sharp as a cutlass, had Kojima laughin' louder than a parrot on a treasure chest. That madcap mercenary with his jests and jibes tickled Kojima's fancy like a fine rum on a hot day. And then there be Wolverine, the gruff, hairy fella with claws sharper than a shark's tooth, who made Kojima's imagination run wild like a ship in a storm!

With their wild antics and fearless brawls, these two legends inspired our dear Kojima to craft tales as twisted as a sea serpent! Aye, he be dreamin' o' adventures where spandex-wearin' heroes clash with monstrous foes and comedic chaos reigns supreme. So here's to Hideo, the pirate captain of game design, sailin' the seas of creativity, forever enchanted by the madness of Deadpool and the might of Wolverine! Yarr, may his imaginations be as boundless as the ocean blue!

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