The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Avast! Be it true? Has Marvel unveiled the scribe for X-Men's tales in its FCBD missive?


Arr, yonder be some jolly fine surprises awaitin' ye in Marvel's Free Comic Book Day 2024 booty. 'Tis a treasure trove o' wonders, me hearties!

Arrr, me mateys! Listen up, for I've got some tales to share about Marvel's Free Comic Book Day 2024 offerings. And let me tell ye, there be some interesting surprises awaitin' ye in them pages!

First off, ye landlubbers best be preparin' yerselves for some mighty laughter, as Marvel be bringin' the funny with their hilarious tales. Ye'll find yerselves chucklin' like a parrot on a pirate's shoulder with titles such as "Deadpool's Misadventures in Time Travel" and "Loki's Hijinks in Asgard."

But it ain't all fun and games, me hearties. Marvel be keepin' ye on the edge of yer seat with their action-packed stories. Ye'll be witnessin' epic battles between heroes and villains, like "Captain America vs. The Red Skull: Round 20" and "Spider-Man's Showdown with the Sinister Six."

Now, if ye be a fan of the mystical and supernatural, ye won't be disappointed. Marvel be delvin' into the realms of magic and sorcery with their bewitchin' tales. Look out for "Doctor Strange and the Mysterious Artifacts" and "Scarlet Witch's Wicked Spellcasting."

And here be the real treasure, me mateys! Marvel be teasin' some new series and characters in these free comics. Ye might just stumble upon a hidden gem that'll become yer new favorite read. So keep yer eyes peeled for "The Unexplored Adventures of Squirrel Girl" and "The Rise of the Fantastic Four: A Cosmic Journey."

So gather yer crew and set sail to yer nearest comic book shop on Free Comic Book Day 2024. Marvel be offerin' a bounty of laughs, thrills, and surprises that'll satisfy even the most hardened pirate's soul. And remember, me hearties, if ye miss out on these free treasures, ye may find yerself walkin' the plank!

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