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Arr, Loki star be yearnin' for Sylvie to venture into the MCU flicks - and she be cravin' one matey t'act alongside!


Arr, me hearties! Sophia Di Martino be spoutin' about 'ow she still be feelin' daunted by them MCU scallywags, but she claims her jitters be a good thing! Avast, it be an exclusive tale ye don't wanna miss! Argh, buckle up for some pirate-worthy surprises!

In an exclusive interview, Sophia Di Martino, the talented actress who recently appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) series "Loki," revealed the challenges she faced while joining such a massive franchise. Speaking in a humorous tone, Di Martino even adopted the language of a 17th century pirate for the conversation.
Di Martino expressed her excitement and nerves about being a part of the MCU, emphasizing how daunting it was for her. She jokingly stated that she felt like a "landlubber" stepping onto a huge pirate ship, unsure of what lay ahead.
Despite the nerves, Di Martino saw them as a positive thing, as they pushed her to work harder and strive for excellence. She humorously compared her nervousness to the feeling of being a pirate navigating through treacherous waters, always on the lookout for danger.
The actress further explained that joining a well-established franchise like the MCU was like entering a secret pirate crew, with a long history and an established dynamic. However, she was determined to bring her own unique energy to the role and make her mark.
Di Martino also highlighted the supportive nature of the MCU cast and crew, stating that they made her feel like part of the family. She felt fortunate to have such a welcoming and talented group of individuals to collaborate with.
Concluding the interview, Di Martino mentioned how grateful she was for the opportunity to be part of the MCU. She acknowledged that even though she still felt daunted by the franchise, she was ready to embrace the challenges and adventures that lay ahead, just like a pirate willingly heading into uncharted waters.
With her humorous pirate-inspired language and positive attitude towards her nerves, Sophia Di Martino shared insights into her experience joining the MCU. Her enthusiasm and determination serve as an inspiration, proving that even the biggest challenges can be conquered with the right mindset.

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