The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! That scallywag actor be havin' a mighty regret, claimin' Rockstar made him mangle Arthur's words! Har har!


Arrr, matey! Roger Clark be havin' a troublesome thought ticklin' his noggin like a pesky barnacle! One blunder be hauntin' him like a ghost in the hold—aye, a right silly misstep that makes him feel like a landlubber in a sailor's brawl!

Avast, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the fine lad Roger Clark, a scallywag whose noggin be heavy with a singular blunder, aye! This matey, bless his sea legs, can’t shake off the wretched memory of a time when he mistook a barrel o’ rum fer a barrel o’ gunpowder. Now, that be a mistake as grand as a kraken in a bathtub!

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