The Booty Report

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Arrr, James Gunn be castin' a landlubber from Diary of a Wimpy Kid to play Ma Kent in Superman, arrr!


Arrr matey! James Gunn's Superman has found its Ma Kent to set sail on the high seas of Hollywood. Ye best be keepin' a weathered eye on this fair lass as she navigates the treacherous waters of superhero cinema. Aye, she be a feisty one!

Arrr mateys, have ye heard the news about James Gunn's Superman flick? Aye, 'tis been announced that the role of Ma Kent has been filled! 'Tis none other than the talented actress, Martha Kent, who be takin' on the role. A fine choice, if I do say so meself!
As we sail the high seas of Hollywood gossip, we can't help but wonder how this new Ma Kent will fare. Will she be as feisty as a pirate in a brawl, or as sweet as a mermaid's song? Only time will tell, me hearties!
But mark me words, this be an excitin' development in the world of superhero cinema. With James Gunn at the helm, we can expect nothin' but adventure, humor, and maybe even a few surprises along the way. So hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail for the nearest theater, me mateys! 'Tis gonna be a wild ride with Ma Kent at the helm!

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