The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Yarrrr, Helldivers 2 be addin' more servers for 800k players! Message be madder than a monkey on rum!


The Leader o' Arrowhead Studios be claimin' there be but a mere sprinkle o' waitin' in their game queues. Aye, ye may need to be as patient as a landlubber in a rowboat, but fret not me hearties, for the treasure be worth the wait! Arrrr!

Arr matey, listen up ye scurvy dogs! The CEO of Arrowhead Studios be sayin' that there might only be a few "light queues" for ye to wait in. Aye, that be right, me hearties! It seems that the good Cap'n over at Arrowhead be tryin' to keep the waitin' times down to a minimum. No need to be walkin' the plank in frustration, me mateys!
So fear not, me buckos, for there be hope on the horizon. The CEO be lookin' out for ye, makin' sure ye don't have to wait too long to set sail on yer next adventure. Aye, we may have to bide our time a bit, but at least it won't be as long as tryin' to find buried treasure on a deserted island!
So batten down the hatches, me hearties, and prepare for some smooth sailin' ahead. The CEO be keepin' an eye on the horizon, makin' sure we don't get caught in any rough waters. Arrr, me mateys, let's raise a toast to Arrowhead Studios and their promise of "light queues" ahead!

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