The Booty Report

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Arrr, me hearties! Landlubbers spy clever tribute to Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man in swashbucklin' Deadpool 3 preview. Aye!


Arrr, 'tis done in a blink o' the eye... but them sharp-sighted scallywags be seein' every bit o' it! Aye, ye best keep both eyes peeled if ye want to catch a glimpse o' the treasure. Arrr!

Arrr me hearties! Did ye see it? The quick flash that came and went faster than a pirate's ship in a stormy sea? Aye, it was over in a flash, but those with the eyes of an eagle still caught it! The scallywags behind the screens tried to sneak it past us, but we be too clever for 'em!
They thought they could be sneaky, but we be on the lookout for any trickery. 'Twas a moment that passed quicker than a pirate snatching a treasure chest, but we be quick on the draw, we be!
So keep yer eyes peeled, me hearties, for ye never know when another sly move will be made. And when it happens, we be ready to catch it in our sights and expose the scoundrels for the tricksters they be!
So raise yer flagons of grog and toast to the sharp-eyed viewers who caught the quick flash that tried to slip by unnoticed. We be vigilant, we be cunning, and we be ready for whatever challenges come our way on the high seas of television!

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