The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, Activision be squarin’ away them monstrous Call of Duty downloads! Aye, 'tis a beastly start with four hefty treasures on PS5!


Avast, matey! By the time Black Ops 6 sails into port, yer Call of Duty treasure will be lighter than a ship's anchor, but beware! The seas be full o' storms ahead, so brace yerself for a bumpy ride, ye scallywag! Arrr!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round, fer I bring ye tidings from the digital seas! It be said that when Black Ops 6 sets sail upon the horizons, ye shall find yer Call of Duty install shrunk smaller than a landlubber’s courage in a tempest!

Aye, but do not be fooled by the sweet sound o' that news, fer the journey be fraught with peril! Aye, it be a rocky road, filled with treacherous updates and patches that could make a sailor’s beard curl! The gaming seas be turbulent, and ye may find yerself swabbing the decks more than playin' the game.

Fret not, ye scallywags! With patience and a hearty tankard of grog, ye shall navigate these choppy waters. Keep yer eyes peeled for those pesky download times that seem longer than walkin’ the plank! And as ye await the dawn of Black Ops 6, may yer compass guide ye true, and may yer lag be as distant as Davy Jones’ locker!

So hoist yer Jolly Roger high, and prepare ye for the swashbucklin' adventure ahead! The seas be wild, but with a good crew and a laugh, even the stormiest waters can be a rollickin' good time!

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