The Booty Report

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Arrr, the Cap'n of New Helldivers 2 studio be promisin' grand loot for ye landlubbers! We be doomed!


Arrr, me hearties! Our grand mission as a studio be to arrange things in a manner that be lasting and fruitful, so we may create a bounty o' treasures for years to come. More loot and finer plunder be our goal! Aye!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! Our main goal as a crew be to make sure our ship be sailin' smooth and steady for the long haul. We be thinkin' ahead, plannin' for the future so we can keep churning out quality loot.
Ye see, it be all about sustainability - makin' sure our treasure chest ain't runnin' dry anytime soon. We be workin' hard to set things up right from the start so we can keep producin' the finest plunder in all the seven seas.
So, me hearties, next time ye be wonderin' why we be takin' our time and makin' sure every detail be shipshape, remember it be all for the greater good. We be settin' up our sails for smooth sailin' and bountiful booty for years to come!

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