The Booty Report

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Arrr, Activision scuttled the jolly Call of Duty mod, claimin’ it’d sink their treasure trove of Black Ops 6 doubloons!


Arrr, matey! The H2M scallywag be claimin' that Activision be shakin' in their boots ‘cause the mod be catchin’ fire like a barrel o’ rum! They be frettin' ‘bout the crew’s wild popularity, as if it be a kraken risin’ from the deep! Har har, what a sight!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a tale of treachery and intrigue upon the high seas of the gaming world! 'Twas said that the crafty creator of the H2M mod, a fine piece of digital artistry, claimed that the scallywags over at Activision be shakin' in their boots, worryin' 'bout the swellin' tides of popularity the mod be gainin'. Aye, the winds be blowin' favorably for the mod, and Activision be feelin' the pressure like a cannonball to the hull!

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