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Ye scurvy dogs must know how to disable the cursed crossplay on thine game! Aye, X marks the spot!


Arrr matey, XDefiant be a game that be crossin' platforms by nature, but fear not, ye can disable it if ye so choose. Aye, tis a feature worth celebratin', for those who be wantin' a more traditional gaming experience. Ye have the power to choose, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up as I tell ye about the mighty game XDefiant. This be a game that be cross platform by default, meaning ye can play it on any device ye fancy, whether it be a swashbucklin' PC or a trusty ol' console. But here's the twist - ye can disable this feature if ye so desire. Aye, that's right! Ye can choose to keep yer gaming sessions exclusive to one platform if that be more to yer likin'.
Now, why would ye want to disable such a handy feature, ye ask? Well, me mateys, that be a question only ye can answer. Perhaps ye be a solitary soul who prefers to keep yer gaming adventures to yerself. Or maybe ye just like the challenge of stickin' to one platform and showin' off yer skills to all who dare to challenge ye. Whatever the reason may be, the choice be yers to make.
So there ye have it, me hearties. XDefiant be a game that be as flexible as a cat on a hot tin roof. Cross platform by default, but with the option to disable if ye so choose. The choice be yers, so choose wisely and may the winds of fortune blow in yer favor as ye embark on yer gaming journey. Arrr!

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