The Booty Report

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Arrr, the trailer o' Deadpool 3 be recreated in Lego, and the cap'n approves! Aye, bring on the laughs!


Avast ye scallywags! This be absolutely phenomenal! Aye, this be like findin' a chest of gold at the end o' a rainbow! A treasure beyond compare, me hearties! Yo-ho-ho, this be truly incredible!

In the language of a 17th century pirate, I must exclaim with great enthusiasm that what I have just witnessed is nothing short of INCREDIBLE! I be not easily impressed, but this sight has stirred even the depths of me salty soul with wonder and amazement. Avast ye landlubbers, for what I have seen be beyond the wildest imaginings of any scallywag or buccaneer on the seven seas!
Me heart be a-flutter and me timbers be shivering with delight at the sheer magnificence of what be before me very eyes. 'Tis a sight to behold, a spectacle of such grandeur and splendor that even the most jaded of sea dogs would be rendered speechless by its beauty.
I must say, me mateys, that this be a momentous occasion indeed, a time when the very fabric of reality be stretched to its limits by the sheer awesomeness of what we have witnessed. In all me years as a pirate, I have never seen the likes of this before, and I doubt I shall ever see its equal again.

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