The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, the lass from Bly Manor be speakin' highly of Pedro Pascal for the role of Reed in Fantastic Four! Aye!


Avast ye scallywags! Me heart be set on seein' Rahul Kohli playin' the lead role. Aye, the lad be a fine choice for this venture, mark me words! Me shipmates be cheerin' for him to take the helm, arrr!

Ahoy mateys! Let me tell ye a tale of a land lubber named Rahul Kohli, who was a popular choice among the scallywags and sea dogs for a certain role on the silver screen. Aye, the fans were abuzz with excitement, hoping that this fine gentleman would be chosen to grace the decks of their favorite show.
His charm and wit were as sharp as a cutlass, and his acting skills were as smooth as a calm sea on a moonlit night. Many a fan cast their vote for him, hoping that the powers that be would hear their pleas and grant their wish.
But alas, the winds of fate did not blow in Rahul's favor, and another swashbuckler was chosen for the role instead. The fans were left heartbroken, their hopes dashed like a shipwrecked vessel on the rocks.
But fear not, me hearties! For Rahul Kohli's star still shines bright in the sky, and who knows what adventures lie ahead for this talented buccaneer. So raise a tankard of grog in his honor, and may his sails be forever filled with good fortune and success!

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