The Booty Report

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Arrr, X-Men '97 be plotin' to bring on the scallywag that sent the Avengers and Fantastic Four to Davy Jones' locker! Arrrgh!


Arrr, be ye seekin' a fight, matey? For 'tis what ye shall find if ye be continuin' down this treacherous path. Onslaught be awaitin' ye, ready to strike with all the fury of a tempest at sea! Aye, beware what ye ask for, lest ye be scorched by the flames of battle!

Arrr matey! Ye be treading dangerous waters if ye be lookin' to get Onslaught! This be no ordinary treasure, more like a curse from Davy Jones himself. Ye best be thinkin' twice before ye go down that path, lest ye want to end up with a ship full of ghostly crewmates!
Onslaught be no mere trinket, it be a force to be reckoned with. Ye best be ready for the chaos and destruction that be followin' in its wake. If ye be lookin' for a peaceful sail, best be steerin' clear of Onslaught, me hearties.
But if ye be a brave soul, willin' to take the risk, then by all means, dive headfirst into the storm! Just remember, ye have been warned. Onslaught be no joke, and once ye unleash its power, there be no turnin' back.
So think long and hard, me mateys, before ye go seekin' out Onslaught. Ye might just end up regretting it, with no way to escape its clutches. The choice be yours, but remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Are ye ready to face the consequences?

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