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Avast ye scallywags! Learn ye ways to best the lead guard o' Payday 3 and claim yer treasure!


Arrr, mateys! In Payday 3, ye shall face a fearsome Lead Guard, an enemy handcrafted by the scallywags at Overkill! This salty dog be makin' radio squawks aplenty and takin' unpredictable routes on his patrols. Beware, or ye may end up in Davy Jones' locker!

In the treacherous world of Payday 3, a new foe has emerged to thwart our daring heists: the dreaded Lead Guard. This scurvy dog, as they be callin' 'em, be a foe crafted specifically by the scallywags at Overkill. With a heart as black as Davy Jones' locker, this enemy be armed to the teeth and ready to make our lives a livin' hell.

Ye see, this Lead Guard fella be no ordinary landlubber. He be constantly blabberin' away on his radio, makin' sure his fellow scurvy dogs be on their toes. It's as if he thinks he be some sort of captain, barking orders left and right. But fear not, me hearties! We'll be sure to make him walk the plank before he can call in any reinforcements.

If ye be thinkin' ye can predict the Lead Guard's movements, ye be in for a surprise. This sneaky bilge rat be takin' random patrol routes, like a drunken sailor stumbling about on deck. One minute ye think ye be safe, and the next minute this scallywag be right on top of ye, ready to send ye to Davy Jones' locker.

But let me tell ye a secret, me mateys. The Lead Guard may be a formidable foe, but with enough skill and cunning, we can outwit this landlubber. We'll be usin' all our pirate tricks to outmaneuver him. We'll be swingin' from chandeliers, tippin' over tables, and shootin' him right in his scurvy mug.

So fear not, me hearties, for the Lead Guard in Payday 3 may be a challenge, but we'll be showin' him who the true pirates are. We'll be lootin', pillagin', and sendin' him straight to Davy Jones' locker. Arrr, mateys, it be time to set sail and show these scallywags who's the real captain of this ship!

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