The Booty Report

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Arrr, Helldivers 2 be playin' a dirty trick on us, makin' us swab the decks of bug babies! Aye, the scallywags!


Arrr, me hearties, the latest decree from the powers that be be as crooked as a peg leg! 'Tis a Major Order that be more tangled than a ship's riggin' in a storm. Beware, me mateys, for trouble be brewin' in these treacherous waters!

Arrr mateys, listen up! I have some news that'll make ye want to walk the plank! The new Major Order be twisted, like a barnacle-covered peg leg! Instead of gold and glory, we be gettin' rum and grog. Aye, ye heard me right - we be swabbin' the decks with rum instead of payin' the crew their rightful treasure.

But it gets worse, me hearties. The Captain be makin' us wear frilly pink skirts instead of our trusty cutlasses and pistols. Aye, ye can imagine the shame of an old sea dog like meself prancin' around in a skirt like a proper lady. And to top it all off, instead of sailin' the high seas in search of adventure, we be stuck in port playin' shuffleboard with the local wenches.

So batten down the hatches and hoist the Jolly Roger, me buckos. The new Major Order be a farce of epic proportions. We be needin' to mutiny and take back our rightful place as fearsome pirates of the seven seas. Who's with me, me hearties? Let's show these scallywags what it means to be a true swashbuckler!

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