The Booty Report

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Arrr! Marvel scallywags be chattin' 'bout Downey's grand return—he be the treasure that started this entire sea of heroes!


Hear ye, mateys! The scallywags of Thunderbolts be spillin' their thoughts on the roguish Robert Downey Jr. takin' up the mantle of the fearsome Dr. Doom! Arrr, they be laughin' like sea dogs swabbin' the deck! What a fine jest it be!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I regale ye with the latest gossip from the seven seas of Hollywood! The crew of the famed Thunderbolts be chattin’ and jestin’ about none other than the legendary Robert Downey Jr. takin' up the mantle of the sinister Dr. Doom! Arrr, what a twist o’ fate it be!

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