The Booty Report

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Arr, ye scallywags! Baldur's Gate 3 be havin' a newfangled hotfix fixin' a dreadful softlock, so Karlach and Wyll be gettin' their rightful ending, aye!


Avast, me mateys! Nay shall we be ensnared in that blasted Astral Realm no more!

Avast, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to me tale of woe and mischief on the high seas. Tis a story that will leave ye chuckling like a drunken sailor on a bender. Picture this: the year be 1687, and I be sailing me trusty ship, The Salty Scallywag, with me loyal crew in tow.

Now, on a dark and stormy night, we stumbled upon a mystical artifact that claimed to grant us passage to the Astral Realm. Being the courageous and foolhardy scoundrels we be, we decided to give it a whirl. Little did we know the trouble it would cause.

Arr, the Astral Realm be a peculiar place, filled with floating islands and mystical creatures. But alas, it be a trap! Once we entered, there be no way out. We were stuck, like a barnacle clinging to the hull of a ship.

But fear not, me hearties, for we be resourceful buccaneers. We set out to find a way to escape this ethereal prison. We searched high and low, battling fierce specters and sea monsters, all while speaking in the language of a 17th century pirate, mind ye.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, we stumbled upon a wily old sea turtle who claimed to know the secret to escaping the Astral Realm. Twas a combination of wit, luck, and a good old-fashioned pirate jig. We danced like drunken monkeys on a ship's mast, hoping to catch the attention of the mystical beings that controlled our fate.

And lo and behold, our antics paid off! The beings took pity on us and allowed us to return to the mortal realm. We emerged triumphant, ready to set sail once more. But mark me words, me hearties, never again shall we be tempted by the allure of the Astral Realm. No more getting trapped in that ethereal trap, for we be pirates of the sea, not the stars!

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