The Booty Report

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Avast ye, me hearties! Save yer face paint—Hollow Knight: Silksong be missin' from Gamescom’s grand shindig! Arr!


Arrr, matey! Team Cherry be still stirrin’ the pot o’ treasure, cookin’ up a storm! They be takin’ their sweet time, like a turtle on a treasure map, but when the feast be ready, ye best be ready to feast like kings! Savvy?

Avast ye, me hearties! Save yer face paint—Hollow Knight: Silksong be missin' from Gamescom’s grand shindig! Arr!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round, for the winds be blowin’ with tidings from the salty depths of Team Cherry’s lair! Rumors be afloat that these crafty scallywags be still cookin’ up a storm in their hidden cove, stirrin' the pot of creativity with a big ol’ ladle o' imagination!

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