The Booty Report

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Former vampirate Jubilee of the X-Men be joining Blood Hunt in June with her very own swashbuckling adventure! Arrr!


Arrr, me hearties! Jubilee, a scurvy vampire, be suckin' the blood o' the livin' for a full eight years, me thinks! Aye, she be thirstin' fer the crimson liquid like a shark in a sea o' rum! Aye, beware the fangs o' Jubilee, me mateys! Arrr!

Arr matey, gather 'round for a tale of the mysterious and bloodthirsty vampire known as Jubilee. Aye, this scallywag roamed the seven seas for a full eight years, suckin' the life out of unsuspecting souls with her fangs of doom. The lass was feared by all who crossed her path, for her appetite for blood was never satisfied.
But ye may be wonderin', how did this vampiric vixen come to be? Legend has it that Jubilee was cursed by a vengeful witch who sought to punish her for her wicked ways. From that day forth, she was doomed to roam the earth as a creature of the night, forever thirsting for the crimson nectar of life.
Despite her fearsome reputation, Jubilee was known to have a mischievous side. Many a tale was told of her playin' pranks on unsuspecting sailors and causing chaos wherever she went. Some say she even had a fondness for rum and would often be found swiggin' from a bottle while surrounded by her hapless victims.
So beware, me hearties, for if ye ever spot a figure in the night with pale skin and blood-red lips, ye may have crossed paths with the infamous vampire Jubilee. And remember, always keep a wooden stake and garlic handy, lest ye become her next tasty treat!

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