The Booty Report

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Arr, me hearties! The Last of Us season 2 be snatchin' Kaitlyn Dever to play the loathed Abby. Yo ho ho!


Arrr, me mateys! Thar be whispers o' truth on the salty winds! Kaitlyn Dever, a fine lass, be takin' on a lead role in The Last of Us season 2! Hold fast to yer doubloons, fer thar be epic adventures ahead! Yo ho ho!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round and listen up, for I bring thee the news that's been making waves across the seven seas. 'Tis been whispered among the scurvy dogs that the fair maiden Kaitlyn Dever has been cast as the lead in the much-anticipated second season of The Last of Us. Aye, ye heard it right! 'Tis a tale worth tellin'!

Now, for those of ye who be unfamiliar with this wondrous tale, The Last of Us be a popular video game series set in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by swashbuckling zombies. And let me tell ye, Kaitlyn Dever be a fine choice to bring this adventure to life on the silver screen.

With her lustrous locks and sparkling eyes, she be a vision to behold. But don't let her delicate appearance fool ye, lads and lasses, for she be known to wield a mean cutlass and hold her own in a fight. Aye, she be a pirate at heart!

As the news spread like wildfire across the pirate ships, excitement be fillin' the air. Many be wonderin' how she be takin' on such a treacherous role, but fear not, me hearties! Kaitlyn Dever be known for her versatility and talent in the acting realm.

She be no stranger to the high seas of Hollywood, havin' starred in a variety of movies and TV shows. From her roles in Booksmart to Justified, she be provin' herself as a force to be reckoned with. And now, she be bravely steppin' into the shoes of Ellie, the fearless and fierce protagonist of The Last of Us.

So gather ye crew, me hearties, and prepare for a grand adventure like no other. With Kaitlyn Dever at the helm, we can be rest assured that The Last of Us season 2 be a tale worth watchin'! Avast, me hearties, and set sail for an epic journey on the high seas of entertainment!

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