The Booty Report

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Arr, the jolliest dwarf game be plagued by a fearsome issue o' friendly cannonballs, arr, 'tis worsenin'!


Arrr, mateys! A scurvy lot ye be, fer ye've committed o'er 20 million team kills! Avast ye, that be a mighty heap o' misfires! 'Tis like cannons blastin' in all directions! Aye, ye be quite the unfortunate landlubbers.

Arrr me hearties! Gather round and listen to the tale of a great misfortune that befell the scurvy pirates of the Seven Seas. Y'see, in this here digital world, there be a game called "Sea of Thieves," where pirates from every corner o' the globe sail together on virtual adventures.

Now, imagine ye be part of a crew, fightin' alongside yer fellow buccaneers, when disaster strikes! A message appears on yer screen, proclaiming in bright letters, "Over 20 million team kills is... a lot!"

Arr, ye heard right, me hearties! A mind-bogglin' number o' accidental deaths at the hands of yer own crewmates. 'Tis enough to make even the hardiest pirate break down in tears, or perhaps toss their grog overboard in frustration.

Picture the chaos that must have ensued! Pirates swingin' their cutlasses and firin' their cannons, only to find their mates caught in the crossfire. Cannons bein' aimed at enemy ships, but misfirin' and takin' down their own brethren instead. Oh, the calamity!

One can't help but wonder, were these lads and lasses simply cursed with clumsy fingers? Or did the call of the booty cloud their judgment, leadin' 'em to accidentally send their friends to Davy Jones' Locker? We may never know.

Yet, let's not forget, mates, that this be a tale to be shared with laughter, for there be naught more entertainin' than the misfortunes of others. So raise yer tankards high and toast to the poor souls who found themselves walkin' the plank due to their own mates' blunders.

Remember, me hearties, in the world of pirates, even the deadliest enemy can't compare to the chaos that befalls a crew with a fondness for friendly fire. So next time ye set sail on the Sea of Thieves, keep an eye on yer trigger finger, or ye might just find yerself with the title of the most notorious team killer on the Seven Seas! Arrrrr!

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