The Booty Report

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Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Apex Legends be gettin' the mighty Buster Sword, skins from Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and a new mode!


Avast ye matey! I be bestowin' upon thee a mighty Buster Sword, as a jolly treat for ye! 'Tis a weapon fit fer a swashbucklin' pirate like yerself. Go forth and conquer the seven seas with this fine, trusty blade!

Arrr, me matey! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs, for I be speakin' in the tongue of a 17th-century pirate, ready to tickle yer funny bones. Now, gather 'round and let me regale ye with a tale of plunder and amusement, all in jest.

Picture this, ye landlubbers: a pirate ship, sailin' the high seas with a mischievous grin on its mast. Me hearties, I be offerin' ye a grand treat, fit for a swashbucklin' scallywag like yerself. 'Tis the coveted Buster Sword!

Now, ye may wonder what makes this Buster Sword so special. Well, me matey, 'tis a mighty weapon, forged by the gods of humor themselves. It be a weapon to strike fear into the hearts of yer foes, a sword so colossal that even a Kraken would tremble at its sight. Imagine swingin' that bad boy 'round like a true buccaneer, makin' all ye enemies walk the plank without liftin' a finger.

But here be the twist, me hearties. This here Buster Sword I be offerin' ye is not for battle, but for a good belly laugh! Ye see, it be a trick sword, crafted to unfold into a mighty feather duster with one swift motion. Aye, ye heard me right! Just when ye be ready to lay waste to yer enemies, the sword transforms into a ticklin' instrument of comedic relief.

So, me landlubber, imagine the scene: ye be standin' tall on the deck of yer ship, brandishin' the Buster Sword, ready to strike fear into the hearts of yer foes. But as ye swing it towards 'em, it unfolds into a fluffy feather duster, ticklin' 'em senseless! The confusion on their faces, the laughter that ensues, it be a sight to behold!

Now, me mateys, I be tellin' ye this tale to bring ye joy and laughter. The Buster Sword, though a weapon in appearance, serves to remind us pirates that even in the midst of battle, a good laugh can be the greatest treasure of all. So, have a Buster Sword, as a treat, and remember to keep the spirit of mirth alive on yer adventures, ye scurvy sea dogs!

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