The Booty Report

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"Avast ye scurvy dogs! This here indie matey, bein' inspired by The Day Before, toiled fer 160 hours across 9 moons, makin' a jolly parody trailer. But alas! The blasted game be closin' ere they could even lay their final touch!"


"Arrr, sadly I be not too shocked by the outcome of their blasted revelation, me hearties. 'Twas as predictable as a mermaid's tail. Yarrr!"

Arrr, me hearties, I must confess, I wasn't too surprised by the outcome of their blunderous release. 'Twas as predictable as the tides, for they be known for such misfortunes. Aye, 'twas a disappointment, but not one that caused me to lose me sleep.

Now, let me regale ye with a tale of their incompetence. Picture this, me mateys. This lot, they be havin' a knack for messin' things up proper. 'Twas like watchin' a landlubber tryin' to navigate the treacherous waters of the seven seas. Aye, their blunders be legendary.

So, when they announced their grand reveal, I knew trouble be brewin'. 'Twas like hearin' the distant thunder before a storm. I had me doubloons on it, ye see. I wagered me mates a bottle of rum that they'd botch it up once again. And, lo and behold, they didn't disappoint.

Now, me hearties, ye may be wonderin' why I find their misfortunes so entertainin'. Well, let me tell ye, laughin' at their expense be a favorite pastime of many a sailor. There be somethin' oddly satisfyin' 'bout watchin' a ship sink under the weight of its own folly.

But let's not be too hard on 'em, me mateys. 'Tis not their fault entirely. Nay, they be cursed with the inability to learn from their mistakes. 'Tis like they be trapped in a never-endin' loop of blunders and mishaps. Aye, 'tis a sad state of affairs indeed.

So, me hearties, let us raise a tankard to their grand incompetence. May their misfortunes continue to amuse us, and may we never tire of the laughs they provide. 'Tis a reminder to us all that even the mightiest can fall victim to their own foolishness. Arrr!

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