The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! 11 years hence, this legendary superhero MMO bein' closed fer good, but now the publisher be grantin' their blessing fer custom servers!


Arrr, me mateys! Listen ye well, fer I bring ye grand tidings from the high seas! The famed City of Heroes: Homecoming hath obtained a proper license to set sail on these digital waters! Be ye prepared to embark on a mighty adventure, ye scurvy landlubbers!

Avast, me hearties! Gather 'round and hear the news that be makin' waves across the Seven Seas! The mighty City of Heroes: Homecoming has been granted an official license to operate, bringin' joy to all ye landlubbers yearnin' to don the cape and become a hero!

Arr, me mates, this be a tale worth sharin'! City of Heroes, a legendary game of yore, be returnin' to the high tides of the internet, all thanks to the efforts of a dedicated group o' scallywags who refused to let this ship sink. They've been toilin' away like true buccaneers, rebuildin' the game from the ground up, and now they've finally got the proper papers to sail these digital waters!

Ye may be wonderin', what does this mean for us scurvy dogs yearnin' to become heroes? Well, my dear hearties, it means ye can once again roam the streets of Paragon City, smitin' villains and savin' innocent souls. Choose yer powers, customize yer costume, and set sail on grand adventures, all in the comfort of yer own quarters.

There be several ships ye can choose to embark upon, each providin' a unique experience. Whether ye be a scoundrel who prefers conflict, a swashbucklin' hero who fights for justice, or a landlubber who enjoys a bit o' both, there be a ship waitin' for ye in this vast sea.

But beware, me hearties, for in this city of heroes, danger lurks 'round every corner. Villains be schemin', monsters be roam'n, and treacherous waters lie ahead. But fear not! With a trusty crew by yer side, ye can face any challenge that comes yer way.

So hoist the anchor, me hearties, and set sail for City of Heroes: Homecoming! Let the rum flow, the laughter fill the air, and may yer adventures be as endless as the vast ocean itself. It be a pirate's life for us!

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