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"Arrr, me hearties! Follow yon guide fer Dragon's Dogma 2 like a scurvy dog chasin' a phantom oxcart!"


Arrr mateys, The Phantom Oxcart in DD2 be a quest 'bout chasin' a mysterious cart full o' Pawns. Set sail on this adventure and see what treasures ye may find on the high seas! Fair warning, beware the ghostly crew that guards their loot. Aye, it be a tale worth tellin'.

Arr, me hearties! Listen up as I spin ye a tale about the Phantom Oxcart in DD2! This here quest be all about chasin' after a mysterious cart, filled to the brim with Pawns. Aye, ye heard me right - Pawns! A strange sight indeed, me buckos.
Now, as ye seek to uncover the secrets of this ghostly oxcart, ye'll be met with challenges aplenty. Ye'll need to be quick on yer feet and sharp of mind if ye want to catch up to the elusive cart and its peculiar cargo.
But fear not, me hearty crew, for the journey ahead be filled with laughter and merriment. Ye'll find yerselves in all sorts of comical situations as ye track down the Phantom Oxcart, me word on it!
So gather ye mates and set sail on this wacky adventure in DD2. Follow the trail of the mysterious cart, solve riddles, and maybe even uncover the true identity of the Pawns aboard. Who knows what treasures and surprises await ye on this fantastical quest!

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