The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! 'Tis true, mateys! The grand game, Sons of the Forest, be leavin' Early Access in less than 3 moons, bringin' new tales 'n beloved Alan Wake 2 actor!


Arrr, mateys! The gallant Shawn Ashmore be settin' sail with the crew of Sons of the Forest, takin' on the role of Timmy! A fine addition he be, bringin' his talents to this treacherous voyage. Avast ye, and brace yerselves for an adventure like no other!

Arr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to this jolly news! Shawn Ashmore, that fine lad known for his roles in the moving pictures, has set sail to join the crew of Sons of the Forest as none other than Timmy!

Now, me fellow pirates, ye might be wondering what this Sons of the Forest be all about. Well, it be a sequel to the treasured game The Forest, where ye be stranded on a forsaken island, surrounded by cannibalistic scoundrels. Aye, 'tis a frightful place, indeed! But fear not, for Timmy be here to guide ye through the treacherous waters of this eerie, ghostly forest.

Shawn Ashmore, with his dashing good looks and charming demeanor, be a perfect fit for the role. He be no stranger to perilous adventures, having faced mutants in the X-Men saga, and even ventured into the icy depths of Alaska in The River. But this be his first time steerin' a pirate ship, and we be eager to see how he fares!

As ye might guess, with Shawn Ashmore joinin' the crew, Sons of the Forest be promisin' to be a swashbucklin' delight! The game's developers, Endnight Games, be known for their masterful creation of atmospheric horrors and nail-biting suspense. With Timmy by our side, we can be sure that this sequel be full of hearty laughs and jolly good times.

So, me mateys, if ye be yearnin' for an adventure on the high seas, keep yer eyes peeled for Sons of the Forest's release! With Shawn Ashmore as Timmy, this game be shapin' up to be a rollickin' good time. We can't wait to see what treasures lie ahead in this haunted forest, and we be hopin' that Timmy, with his wit and charm, be leadin' us to victory!

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