The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! Yasuke be yeeting himself into the fray, callin' it his "Yeet of Faith!" What a scallywag, ha!


Arrr, he be no portrait of beauty, nor a dancer of grace, but let me tell ye, matey, one good swing from him and ye’ll be meetin’ Davy Jones, face first! Har har!

Avast ye scallywags! Gather ‘round, for I’ve a tale to spin 'bout a blaggard of a matey who ain't what ye’d call a sight fer sore eyes! Aye, he be as ugly as a barnacle on a ship’s hull, and grace? Ha! That lad could trip over a plank laid flat! But don’t let his lack of charm fool ye, fer this sea dog packs a punch that’d make Davy Jones himself shiver in his boots!

With a face that could turn a mermaid to stone, our matey be sportin’ a beard thicker than a whale’s mustache, and his breath? Well, it could make the fiercest kraken retreat! But when the rum flows and the brawlin’ begins, ye best keep yer distance, lest ye find yerself kissin’ the deck! With fists like cannonballs and a temper hotter than a forge, he’s known far and wide as the terror of the taverns.

So, if ye be thinkin’ of crossin’ this landlubber, remember me words: he may lack beauty and grace, but with one swing, he’ll have ye flat on yer face! Raise a tankard to the finest knuckle-duster this side of the seven seas! Yarrr!

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